Punya Pertanyaan Seputar Produk dan Layanan Midtrans? Amy Siap Jawab!
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Cek disiniJakarta, 20 October 2016 – The leading online payments provider in Indonesia, Veritrans, celebrates its fourth anniversary and announces that it will be rebranding itself to Midtrans. The new name reflects the company’s diversification of products and services in addition to its core payments platform.
“Since last year we have been positioning ourselves as more than a payment gateway, and more as an eCommerce enablement company. This year, we have taken a few more steps towards this goal by releasing products in three realms: payment services, risk management, and chat commerce”, claims Ryu Kawano Suliawan, President Director of Midtrans.
The three new focus areas for Midtrans are:
“The needs of the industry are changing rapidly, and we hope to maintain to be in the forefront of building tools for the eCommerce industry. We continue to be committed to building and growing with online commerce in Indonesia”, adds Budi Purnama Gandasoebrata, COO of Midtrans.
The new Midtrans name comes into effect immediately. For more information on Midtrans, please visit www.midtrans.com or contact hello@midtrans.com.
Established in early 2012, Midtrans powers online commerce in Indonesia through technology. Midtrans is the leading online payments provider in Indonesia that serves more than 1,700 merchants in Indonesia, including Blibli, Bukalapak, Garuda Indonesia, GO-JEK, MAPeMall, Matahari Mall, Tokopedia, and Traveloka, among others. Midtrans provides a wide range of services from payment services, risk management, to chat commerce.
Diera Yosefina Hartono
VP of Community Management
Phone: +62 21 573 6789
Email: diera.hartono@midtrans.com